how to save money

5 Ways To Save Money

Every one of us is probably trying out new ways to make and save money. As a freelancer, it’s become one of my top priorities to penny pinch and be all around savvy. Here are some of my favourite ways to do so:

  1. Use discount codes, vouchers, coupons etc – Seriously, these are amazing and have saved me plenty of £££ in the past. Whether you’re shopping online or in-store, always be sure to check out websites for free codes, vouchers or coupons. A simple google search will bring you plenty! Some websites also have deals such as 10% off your first shop. Certain stores also have freebies when you sign up for their membership cards so definitely make use of these!
  2. Pay your bills on time – You know sometimes when you desperately want something and suddenly a bill pops through the post? Or your rent is due and you’d rather splurge on something other than that? Ignore that voice in your head, put on your big person shoes and be responsible! Put the bill or rent first otherwise your financial obligations will keep piling up. You’ll be kicking yourself when you have no electric/water/gas or worse, no roof over your head.
  3. Stick to the basics – NEVER go food shopping when you’re hungry! Also, buy superstore-branded basics. Fancy that pack of Krispy Kreme donuts on offer, but you’re on a diet? Keep moving and spend your money on something else otherwise it’ll just end in tears…
  4. Keep track of finances – I know, I know, no-one likes sitting down and doing boring adult stuff, but this will save you a lot of hassle. You don’t need an expensive folio. A simple notebook will do just fine to keep track of all your costs; trust me you won’t regret it!
  5. Go thrifting – Car boot sales, charity shops or second hand stores are all great, as they say “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. It’ll help you save loads of £££ and most of the time your money will go towards a great cause! You might even find a real gem worth millions, and I know that’s reaching but you never know!

Until next time.