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Why I Enjoy Consulting In Graphic Design

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Graphic design is a very complex but interesting subject if one enjoys experimenting with colour, shape and position. The role of the graphic designer typically revolves around meeting the client to discuss their needs and the type of product they would like. Some senior graphic designers may work for large organisations and collaborate with other creatives on projects.

Nowadays, graphic design can either be done by hand or on the computer. Graphic design done by computer is very common as it is an efficient way of creating and developing designs. However, graphic design done by hand can be useful to develop multiple ideas in a short time. Changes can also be made quickly before the design is further developed.

I originally started out in graphic design as it allowed me to express my creativity by using a variety of computer softwares to produce digital creations. I was also able to experiment and learn new digital manipulation techniques. This helped me to gain a higher level of understanding and expertise on digital graphic design. Some of my favourite softwares include Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Fireworks and Cinema 4D.

Today, I prefer the consulting side of things. The definition of consulting is individuals whom provide expert advice on a specific area. For me, this usually revolves around looking at draft designs and giving advice on how to better them. Most of you may think that you can only become a consultant after doing a degree, masters and PHD with years of experience. Well, that’s not true. Even big organisations are clicking onto this. Mckinsey & Company understand that consulting skills can be taught on the job.

I’ve come this far after only completing mandatory education and studying a few business modules at university. I self-taught myself the rest. Social media played a huge role in deciding to freelance. But, it’s not all rainbows and sunshine. So if you do decide to go down this route, be prepared for long hours of hard work, an unstable income and isolation.

Until next time.


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