graphic design laptop

5 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Becoming A Graphic Designer

Now, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my job as a graphic designer. But there are days when I’d just like to step away from it all and here’s why:

1. It’s all about the clients 

You’re obviously designing for your client, so their needs come first. What you may think looks great, might not seem the same for your client. This can sometimes become a little tedious with the continuous back and forth on draft designs. One way to overcome this obstacle is to think like a problem-solver rather than an artist.

2. You’ll be staying up all night

I’ve done this more times than I can remember. Especially when I’m trying to meet a deadline and satisfy one of my many clients. The hours will be long and and you may lose a lot of sleep. So, lose the misconception that you can work when and how you want.

3. Always get the deposit first

I can’t stress this point enough. In my early days, as a junior graphic designer, I trusted my clients way too much only to be expected to work for free. It’s always important to set down expectations before you start to work on a project – it definitely reduces hassle that may arise down the line.

4. Priortise your portfolio

It’s obvious that in any creative field, a portfolio is a must. You’ll be judged on this and it can make or break any potential project. So, continue to update your portfolio whenever you can. I keep both a physical portfolio as well as a digital one to showcase my best pieces.

5. Creative block is real

Get inspired by other people’s work. Keep a sketchbook and practice your drawing or lettering skills. Step out of your comfort zone by using new tools or techniques. Branch out to different areas in design, such as web design or app creation. Just don’t give up or procrastinate.

Until next time.

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